Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Testing in Parallel using Selenium Grid Docker images.

This blog is about testing in parallel using Selenium grid docker images.

To stand-up Selenium Grid Docker images you will need to use one of these approaches below:

  1. For Windows - This is for users who want to run on a Windows machine
    1. Windows + Docker + Selenium Grid
  2. For Google Cloud - This is for users who want to use Google Cloud to run on
    1. Docker and Selenium Grid on Google Cloud

Once you are done one of the above steps ... now we are ready to exercise it with a testNG test.  

  1. This testNG Eclipse NEON Gradle Project checked into GitHub.
    1. Selenium Grid + TestNG - Parallel Execution
This is all pretty cool (I think).  But its just a toy unless we can develop.  And we can't effectively develop Selenium tests without debugging what interaction is happening with the browser.  Sooooo ... without adieu the last post:

  1. Standing up a Selenium Grid - Firefox debug.  This allows you debug  by viewing the browser interaction with your test.
    1. Debugging Docker Selenium Grid tests with VNC

I hope you have enjoyed this blog and are as excited as I am with the possibilities of Docker and really anything.